My children are the best and nothing else suffice. I love them and will do anything to give them what they deserve. By now, you’ve read so many articles about spending control that you can probably write your own book on the subject. Appreciate the big picture, delay gratification, 30 day rules, and the list […]
Money Stories
Love and Splurging
by · 15 comments
What to Do When There is No Choice
by · 6 comments
“Sometimes, you just have no choice but to bite the bullet. Or at least, the stars are lined up to give you that illusion. Whether it’s at the airport or coffee shop, I have no problem paying for internet services. It’s a bit pricey alright, but the convenience they provide should be worth something. However, […]
How to Stay Out of Debt
by · 18 comments
Returning to familiar territory after a period of absence can bring back a flood of memories. Some are good, others might be bad but these mental pictures almost always generate a new perspective to the whole situation. For many that were successful in getting out of debt, the struggles and the stress of paying high […]
Being Rich is Not a Sin
by · 20 comments
As a frugalist, I naturally know many people who share the same values. Some practice the art by choice, and others by necessity. Some love being frugal, while others wished life were different. In every category though, there seems to be a select few who would resent the rich. The other day, I heard this […]
Frugal Living Isn’t Always About Trade Offs
by · 15 comments
We often equate frugality with trade offs. Trading our time to save money, trading for alternatives, and trading instant satisfaction for future gratification. No wonder frugal living seems so tough. You may wonder how great you life would be if you never had to make any financial sacrifices, but let’s imagine for a minute that […]
The Beauty of Supply and Demand
by · 17 comments
Supply and demand is an economic principle that we know all too well. When demand goes up, prices tend to follow. When supply is high, expect discounts. Thanks to supply and demand, we might be moving to a bigger apartment. Let me explain…