Your credit card getting in the wrong hands can spell big trouble. When your card is stolen, a complete stranger essentially has the power to put you in financial ruin with a few swipes of the card. It’s a very scary situation to be in but one that is all too common. I was the […]
Money Stories
5 Steps To Take When Your Credit Card Is Stolen
by Connie Mei · 3 comments
Are You Taking Enough Risks in Your Life and with Money?
by Miranda Marquit · 2 comments
I’ve been getting out of my comfort zone more lately. As someone on the introvert end of the scale, it’s sometimes difficult for me to get out there and meet people. Additionally, I’m somewhat risk-averse when it comes to my money. However, I’m learning about the importance of taking risks with my life and with […]
4 Immediate Financial Benefits of Decluttering
by Ashley Eneriz · 3 comments
Clutter can take over your house and also your finances. I have lived many years with clutter, and I can tell you that living with less has been so much more beneficial to my bank account. Here are four financial benefits you’ll reap almost immediately after dealing with the clutter. 1. Improved Productivity Since I’m […]
Raise your hand if you know you could be doing something to save a nice bit of cash each week but for some reason or another, you just don’t. Maybe you have a hard time getting your act together to pack a lunch each week or somehow you never find the time to look for […]
Lack of Financial Education Leads to Financial Mistakes
by Miranda Marquit · 8 comments
A couple of weeks ago, I had an interesting conversation with a young man (20 years old) about his credit situation. He understood the value of good credit and was trying to figure out how he could take the next step in boosting his score. We talked about the moves he made up to this point […]
How to Figure Out Your “Money Script” — And Change the Way You Handle Your Finances
by Emily Guy Birken · 5 comments
Money is a complicated subject because we all have unconscious beliefs about it. Financial planners and psychologists refer to these beliefs as “money scripts.” They’re the stories about money we’ve told ourselves since childhood, and they’re often rooted in how money was viewed in our childhood homes. Once we know and recognize our money scripts, […]