Money is useful. If you have a steady supply of money, a lot of other parts of your life will usually be easier. But should money alone justify a career choice? What Are You Willing to Put Up With? If I had to, I know that I could do pretty much anything for eight hours […]
Money Stories
Is It Really So Bad to Choose a Career Just for Money?
by Thursday Bram · 9 comments
Want Satisfaction? Take Your Customer Complaint Online
by Miranda Marquit · 11 comments
Many of us have disappointing experiences to share about buying a product or using a service. Yes, you can call in to the company, or send in some form of written complaint, but you might not reach someone who can help you — or it can take a while to get a response. You might […]
Money Temptation: Spending Retaliation
by Miranda Marquit · 9 comments
Over the course of three weeks, my husband spent quite a lot on Lord of the Rings collectibles. Can we afford it? I guess so. We didn’t need credit cards to pay for any of the stuff, and it didn’t result in us needing to use debt to pay any of our other obligations. But […]
5 Exceptional Ways to Save for the Future – Now!
by Linsey Knerl · 6 comments
I’m a big believer in putting something away for a rainy day, but there’s more to planning for future financial needs than just having a well-funded emergency fund. In addition to your typical shtick about having 3-months’ salary in a piggy bank somewhere, I’ve found the following bits of advice to be valuable, as well. […]
Cash Building Life Insurance: A Good Investment?
by Miranda Marquit · 15 comments
Soon after my husband and I were married, we decided that it would be a good idea to purchase life insurance for each of us. We spoke with an insurance agent, and he gushed about the great investment a universal life policy would be. According to him, it would build cash value, we could use […]
4 Ways Thrift Stores Aren’t Always So Thrifty
by Linsey Knerl · 13 comments
I love a good thrift store sale. If done at the right time, in the right way, it’s possible to really score some nice furniture, décor, or even a well-worn pair of jeans for a fraction of buying it new. I have seen too many people toss money away at many of these shops, however, […]