When my sister was home from college one summer, she applied for a job at a chain bookstore that has since gone out of business. Though they called and asked her for an interview, they told her they were really looking for someone with a degree. At the time, she chalked it up to the […]
Money Stories
Receptionist? Yeah, You Need a BA for That
by Emily Guy Birken · 10 comments
Avoiding the Pain of Romance Scammers
by Vincent King · 3 comments
Online dating has become the norm these days. But, once upon a time, people relied on their in-person networks to find love and romance. They had to wait on their cousin to introduce them to a coworker. Or they went to clubs and bars, where they met not-so nice guys and got frustrated. Then, along […]
Fiscal Matters in America
by Jamie Simmerman · 3 comments
There has been a lot of talk lately about budgeting, fiscal cliffs, and the government’s management of money. Everyone agrees that the government is doing a poor job of managing our tax income, and many are quick to throw in their thoughts on how to balance the federal budget. But the hard truth is that […]
Protecting Yourself Against Thieves
by AJ Pettersen · 7 comments
Last weekend, my wife had her purse taken at a wedding reception. Losing her keys was the worst part; our apartment was over an hour away, and we were stranded without a car. She was also without a phone for a day, which added to the agony. Luckily, she didn’t have any credit cards or cash in […]
Video Games: Are They Worth Your Time and Money?
by AJ Pettersen · 8 comments
Video games have been sparking the interest of kids and adults since the Atari was born in 1972. From the original games like Pong and Pacman, to newer games seen in high definition, the video game market is constantly evolving. I’ve been a video game lover my entire life, sticking almost entirely to the sports […]
How Much is Your Habit Costing You?
by Jamie Simmerman · 5 comments
We all have little habits that tend to drain our finances. Perhaps it’s soda pop, online games, cigarettes, beer, magazine subscriptions, gambling, wine, or movies. No matter what your poison, if it costs you time or money, it’s worthy of a close examination. Health and moral concerns aside, the wise consumer will examine his or […]