Receiving a lump sum of money is something you think will never happen to you — until it does. And though it will often be due to unfortunate circumstances, like a death in the family, you’ll still have to know what to do with it. A family member recently gifted me $6,000, which was one […]
Money Stories
I Just Received $6,000. What Should I Do with It?
by Alexa Mason · 12 comments
Is Netflix Worth It? Let’s Ask My Kids
by Travis Pizel · 17 comments
Two cardboard mailboxes sat under the Christmas tree, one for each of our kids. They contained a homemade certificate granting the recipient a free month of Netflix streaming service. The kids were both very excited about the gift, as they’d been begging us to sign up for quite a while. Between the two months given […]
Should We Have Declared Bankruptcy Instead of Paying Off $109,000 of Debt?
by Travis Pizel · 58 comments
On January 31st, I made my final payment to my debt management plan. In 55 months, my wife and I eliminated $109,000 of credit card debt. To say we are ecstatic would be an understatement. Over the last four and a half years, it’s been suggested more than once that we took the wrong path […]
Would You Pay $2,000 to Take a “Homeless Tour”?
by Jessica Sommerfield · 11 comments
Michael Momany, a homeless Seattle man, recently announced his idea to start “homeless tours” that would give people a three-day experience of living like a homeless person. The cost for such a tour? Two thousand dollars. What’s more, $1,500 of this fee would be Momany’s personal earnings, while only $500 would go towards homeless shelters […]
Do You Save & Spend Like the Rest of Your Generation?
by Jessica Sommerfield · 2 comments
The economic conditions in which you’ve grown up have undoubtedly influenced your financial habits and attitude toward money, whether you realize it or not. The result is that each widely-recognized generation group in the last several decades has drastically different statistics for spending and saving, as well as notable pitfalls and strengths. Here’s an overview […]
How Two People Plan to Get Rid of Debt
by · 29 comments
Update: Thanks to everybody who responded, we picked a winner for the debt scholarship. For those interested to know who it was, please scroll to the bottom of the article. And for those here for the first time, this was the original article highlighting the two finalist’s get out of debt stories. Many of you […]