It’s that time again. The 2012 Presidential election is fast approaching and who America chooses will affect your personal finances. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney differ on a number of different issues that will affect your financial future, so your finances may be vastly different a few years from now depending on who gets elected. […]
Money News
Not too long ago, Canada announced that it is getting rid of the penny. It’s not a complete end to the one-cent piece in Canada; the government will stop minting pennies in the fall, but they will still be legal tender. The main reason that the Canadian government made this decision is that it costs […]
It’s an old family joke that when ATMs first premiered, my grandmother believed that a banker sat behind the machine and dispensed the money. To be fair to Grandma, she knew that there weren’t “tiny little tellers” in the machines, like the commercials jokingly stated. It just didn’t occur to her that her banking transactions […] put together an interesting chart, detailing the top 10 states with the most millionaires. It’s ranked by percentage, and the results show that you will most likely meet a millionaire in Hawaii. Reading these are always fun, so first, here are the numbers.
The new federal budget for 2011 is now released, and with the proposed deficit of $1.267 trillion dollars, seeing the actual breakdown was actually pretty eye opening.
After a successful trial run that boosted home sales and brought buyers back to the table, the government has extended the $8,000 first-time home buyers tax credit through June 2010. Now it’s not just first-timers who are benefiting — the president also signed off on a new $6,500 tax credit for existing homeowners who […]