When I first started paying back my student loans several years ago, there weren’t that many apps or tools available to help you pay off your student loans, while keeping you motivated. Boy, have things changed — and I’m so glad! Now there are more resources and websites out there specifically for people trying to get […]
Money Management
This is my 10th year as a freelancer. I love what I do, and am fortunate to be able to set my own hours and work from anywhere. My situation is a little unprecedented in that I didn’t move from a “real” job into self-employment. Instead, I went straight from grad school into freelancing. However, I […]
We all know that the cost of college is on the rise. Many students can’t attend without the help of student loans — even if they do have some savings and manage to earn scholarships. The growing concern over student loan debt seems to be seeping into the psyche of parents who have had their […]
With financial planning and a tighter budget comes stricter decisions on what to buy versus what to rent. Most experts will tell you to stay far away from furniture and appliance rental, because it could end up costing you more than three times the retail value of the item. However, there are a few things that […]
Up until our late 20’s, my husband and I didn’t think much about retirement at all. We were far too busy being 20-somethings – too busy hosting dinner parties with our friends and planning weekend getaways and pool parties. We never looked much further into the future than a month or two, or past whenever […]
Anytime someone hears (or reads!) the word “budget” they usually cringe. Mostly because a budget requires you to stay within a certain spending limit in order to stay on track and reach financial goals. But this can feel very restricting, and often doesn’t line up to your priorities. I’ve never been a big fan of […]