You read blogs like this to find the best ways to manage your money. Your intentions are terrific because saving money is something you know you need to do. But as much as you read about it, you haven’t fully committed to a vision that will make it happen. You’re sabotaging yourself. “What do you […]
Money Management
I’ve been getting a lot of flack for how much I spend lately. I’ve been told I spend too much on a cause I’m involved with. I’ve been told I spend too much on going to the spa. I’ve been told I spend too much on travel. It’s true that I like spending money, but […]
Let’s break these rich factors down.
A financial survey from 2019 showed that 53.3% of U.S. households are dual-income. The key reason this is becoming the norm is obvious: we think we ‘need’ more money. With inflation not seen in decades, a possible recession on the horizon, and an uncertain stock market, it’s no wonder many couples believe two full-time incomes […]
We talk a lot about risk when it comes to finances, and much of the time, risk tolerance is associated with investing. However, the amount of risk you can handle also plays a role in other financial decisions and aspects of your life. Before you make decisions about what’s next, think about how much risk […]