I’m a sucker for tradition. Actually, I am a fan of nostalgia – things that make you warm and gooey and bring you back to the days of your youth. When it comes to issues of personal finance, however, nothing I was taught (even the more “traditional” lessons) really panned out for me. While I’m […]
Money Beliefs
The key to handling awkward money situations is to make everyone’s expectations as clear as possible.
I was given a small weekly allowance as a child, but unlike most kids, I didn’t choose to spend it right away. Instead, I couldn’t wait to put it in my piggy bank. I wasn’t really saving up for anything at that age. It was just exciting to watch my bank get filled with coins. Although […]
We all make money mistakes. And even if we don’t make many financial missteps, the reality is that a disaster can unexpectedly set you back. When you are suffering from a financial setback, it can seem as though everything is out of your control. How can you take charge of the situation? Having gone through […]
The American dream is a goal we’ve all heard of at some point in our lives. This dream involves raising a family, building a successful career, and (most importantly some would have us believe) owning a home. Everybody dreams about owning a home and it’s marketed as the biggest asset in life. But is owning […]
My husband and I are contemplating the possibility of moving. We’re not sure how everything will play out (we’re waiting to see if he got a job he recently applied for), but we’ve talked a little bit about what our housing situation might look like. One of the things we’ve decided is that we might not […]