Money is the root of all evil, right? You would certainly think so with the way that people fight over it every day. Money is one of the leading contributors to divorce in this country, and has been for a while. While divorces strictly because of money are around 5%, 70% of couples attribute money […]
Money Beliefs
Have you ever put a label on yourself and then had a hard time removing it? My son is very good with the soccer ball but he hesitates whenever he goes up against bigger and stronger boys because he’s not confident. He often thinks he’s bad and that leads him to not play as well […]
In the business world, core values are important to shaping a company’s culture and vision. They will also dictate how the company will bring that vision to reality. But just having core values — even if they’re displayed in gold-embossed letters on the office wall — isn’t enough. Clients and customers will quickly notice if […]
Obviously, not everyone who gambles has a problem. Many people enjoy gambling as a social activity without it threatening their financial security or family relationships. I would go as far as to say that even gambling huge sums may be justified as long as their finances can justify the expense. I have a friend who […]
“Today is the only important day. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, and how you use those are critical.” As someone who’s training to run a marathon next June, I’m constantly bookmarking inspirational quotes and videos I find online. The above quote is from a video collage posted by a fitness Facebook page, that […]
I’m a sucker for tradition. Actually, I am a fan of nostalgia – things that make you warm and gooey and bring you back to the days of your youth. When it comes to issues of personal finance, however, nothing I was taught (even the more “traditional” lessons) really panned out for me. While I’m […]