There are superstitions about every aspect of money, from getting it to saving it. There are even conflicting superstitions, depending on the culture you grew up in: In Argentina, finding money in the street is considered extremely lucky. As long as you never spend it, it will bring you more money. But in Trinidad and […]
Money Beliefs
Poor spendthrifts don’t get a lot of love on personal finance blogs and websites. We tsk-tsk at their irresponsibility and try to show them the joys of being prudent and frugal but maybe there are lessons that we can learn from our more free spending cousins. Of course, it’s all about balance and if the […]
Here’s a loaded question for you: Are you rich? One of the numbers that is repeatedly thrown about to represent “being rich” is an annual salary of $250,000 a year. Others, though, don’t consider you “rich” unless you make $1 million. I know some families who would consider themselves “rich” if they could hit the […]
I was perplexed when I read that one needs $12 million in savings to feel rich. No way, I thought, but I read on… $300,000 in annual income living in New York City, a $3,800 per month apartment, taxes, inflation and retiring at 35 until the age of 100 assuming 2.5% inflation and 5% return […]
One of the issues that can get in the way of a solid financial future is ignorance of your own motivations. Many of us are not used to self examination, especially when it comes to finances. This is because we often think of our money as something that comes in, and then is saved and […]
Do you always need brand name stuff or can you settle with generics? It’s a battle that rages throughout the strip malls, supermarkets and boutiques. And chances are, you’re already fighting for one side or the other. Brand names are armed with “reputation,” aesthetic appearance and sought after trends. Generic brands are at bargain prices, […]