Money is useful. If you have a steady supply of money, a lot of other parts of your life will usually be easier. But should money alone justify a career choice? What Are You Willing to Put Up With? If I had to, I know that I could do pretty much anything for eight hours […]
Money Beliefs
Many of us experience buyer’s remorse over some of the things we buy, and I am no exception. Even though I try hard to maintain my spending priorities, sometimes I buy something that I don’t really care for — or I agree to something that I’m not really sure about. The truth of the matter […]
Are you having a hard time reaching your financial goals? It might be because you are making one of these five very common money mistakes. 1. Forgetting to account for predictable irregular expenses when making a budget. A lot of the “unexpected expenses” that derail our budgets aren’t really all that unexpected when you think […]
One of the wonderful things about living in modern times is that we all have more choices available to us than our recent ancestors could even dream of. From the orange juice aisle to your company’s 401(k) plan, it’s possible to choose the exact product that will fit our needs.
Free is generally considered to be a good thing: who doesn’t want something for nothing? But there are situations when free can spell trouble. Free can be so expensive sometimes that you really can’t afford to take it, no matter how appealing a prize, a giveaway or a present might be. Here are five situations […]
I’ve seen it hundreds of times in business: someone has started a new venture and thrown every dime he can scrape up into it. But it’s not successful. So the entrepreneur goes looking for more money, more cash that he can use to make the business work. In some cases, that approach can work out. […]