Along with many other areas of life, finances present a potential minefield of marital conflict if they’re not handled well (or at all). In the debate of how finances are best handled within marriage, there are at least 3 schools of thought. System #1: All Income Should be Joint and Equally Controlled One of the first indications […]
Money Beliefs
“I’m comfortable with my level of debt,” said a long-time friend of mine not too long ago. He was explaining why he isn’t making an effort to aggressively pay down his credit card debt. He makes a decent living, and most of his credit card debt is the result of youthful financial indiscretions. Since he […]
More and more people are using credit and debit cards for rewards, insurance, and convenience. Another MoneyNing blogger even asked if carrying large amounts of cash was outdated. But to me, cash is still king. I should qualify my statement, since I do pay all my monthly bills electronically. What I’m really talking about is […]
One of the things I hear from my son regularly is that he wants a “raise” on his allowance. Usually this conversation takes place after he’s spent his savings on something else. Though he’s pretty good about saving up, like all of us, he sometimes gets off track. While I can sympathize with the idea […]
Not too long ago, CNN Money reported on an international assessment of teenagers and financial literacy. The test, which was administered to 15-year-old students in 18 countries, ranked the United States in the middle. The top results went to Chinese students, with students in Belgium, Estonia, New Zealand, and Australia also scoring quite well. In […]