Near the beginning of each month, many in the personal finance community share, with varying degrees of detail, their financial situations. We see net worth reports, and some of them are even itemized. I always enjoy reading these reports and find them quite interesting — and sometimes inspiring. However, I have always been vaguely uncomfortable […]
Money Beliefs
Of course you can. If celebrity culture is teaching us anything, it is that yes, you can have lots of money and still be miserable, so miserable in fact that you ruin your life with addictions, even lose your life to them. I recently watched an interesting movie on DVD, Meet Bill. Not a masterpiece […]
He told me he had a gun, and I thought he was about to hurt me. But it turns out to be a friendly neighbor trying to protect everybody because there was a robber just down the street. To say that perception is important just doesn’t do the term justice. It’s the sole contributor to […]
Don’t let FOMO blind you to your true priorities with money and with time.
Find ways to get more of these things in your life instead of material possessions.