When it comes to investing, many of us are worried about making mistakes. After all, your money is on the line and you don’t want to lose any of it. Unfortunately, that very feeling of risk aversion might increase the chances that you make investing mistakes. On the flip side, you are also more prone […]
Long Term Investing
We here at MoneyNing.com recommend low cost index funds for the individual investor. Sometimes we write out a good argument, and sometimes we simply state it as fact. This article illustrates what happened with one of our reader’s investment portfolio so you can judge for yourselves whether low cost index funds is for you. MoneyNing, […]
Saving for retirement is important – we all know that. But, according to most nationwide reports and surveys, we still aren’t doing it: the Employee Benefit Research Institute reports that one out of every four Americans currently has less than $1,000 saved for retirement. What will it take to make more of us save for […]
Investing in the stock market can be life changing. Even simply contributing up to the employer match in your 401(k) can drastically change the lifestyle you can afford to enjoy during retirement. But just because investing can drastically improve your finances, you can really screw up your financial life if you don’t get some basics […]
Did you know that your great grandfather could’ve turned $3,000 into a $41 million family estate if he just stayed invested in either the Dow Jones Industrial Average or S&P 500 since 1920? I read a fascinating piece recently from Barron’s as part of their celebration of the publication turning 100 years old. They dug […]
Many of us couldn’t wait for the past year to be over. And now that a new year is finally underway, it’s time to figure out how to make it great. One of the best ways to improve your life and your finances is to invest. And you aren’t limited to investing in order to […]