One of the best ways to save money in the long term is to learn how to say “no.” Saying no to spending can help you get your priorities in order, as well as keep your finances on the right track. Some have trouble saying no to themselves, but many don’t have that issue at […]
I went to get the flu shot the other day, a trip I make once a year to keep not just me but those around me safer. And oh man I felt so sluggish afterward! I got the shot in the morning and I was only half functional for pretty much the rest of the […]
In today’s career world, where negative publicity can cause serious problems for companies, it’s difficult to get excited about hiring someone who might turn out to be a liability. Teachers whose drunken party pictures end up on Facebook, or top level executives whose nasty comment ends up being posted online, can really set an employer […]
Retirement might seem ways away and years in the distant future. But even so, it’s one of those things in life that requires lots and lots of planning. Retirement can last anywhere from 20 to 30 years but shockingly, a third of Americans have less than $1,000 saved up. It’s easy to see that the […]
Recently when I treated my mom out for lunch, she mentioned how she treats money a little differently than I do. She said that she is generous to other people but frugal towards herself, while I’m frugal towards those around me and myself. Now, wait for a second here. Why would you say anything like […]
Looking at your finances and figuring out how to manage multiple financial priorities can feel like you’re running in circles. How can you pay off debt and save for retirement? How can you pay for your child’s education and invest in your own future? It’s tough to manage all your short, medium, and long-term financial […]