One of the sources of emergency funding that many of us turn to is the credit card. A credit card is easy to use as an emergency fund since a credit card is accepted almost everywhere (if issued by a major bank, and with a major company logo). It’s very liquid and you can usually […]
One of the great satisfactions of achieving financial success is the knowledge that you can provide opportunities to your children that you never had. But leaving them a large fortune can be a double-edged sword. It’s a cliché that the children of self-made men and women have no respect for the value of the dollar, […]
What makes you happy with your life? How do the individual aspects of your life combine to provide you with overall satisfaction in your life? Life satisfaction is the subject of the annual Better Life Index, which looks at the factors contributing to general happiness and contentment. The Better Life Index ranks the 35 countries […]
I remember the days when I was a struggling student without much income and without much savings. I also had a great deal of debt. If a $500 car repair came up, I had to ask my parents to lend me the money. Now, things are a little more different. I’m more fortunate in that […]
“Turn your passion into a job, and the money will follow.” “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” These sayings sound nice, but unfortunately, they hold little truth for most people. Turning your favorite hobby into a money-maker might seem like a good plan – but it can be […]
Being frugal is generally praised. Your grandparents tell you how smart it is to be frugal. Your uncle boasts about how his refrigerator is older than you are. You read that if you save $5 each day for a year, you’ll have tens of thousands extra at the time you retire. Now, I’m really frugal so please […]