For all the self-proclaimed frugalistas out there, saving more is the name of the game. The more money you save, the better. A frugal lifestyle is centered on the fact that you should spend less, but is that always the right thing to do? Not necessarily. It’s worth the money to spend a little more […]
I absolutely love the library, and I am continually surprised that more people don’t take advantage of their local library. It’s really more than a place for checking out books! Here are the top benefits you can get from your local library – all for free. 1. Family/Kid Activities The children’s librarian at my local […]
This week marks my fourth year wedding anniversary. I know it may sound cliché, but I am going to say it anyway: It feels like it was just yesterday! While a lot has changed in four years, I think many couples still find themselves in the same situation my husband and I did. We wanted […]
Raised by an extremely frugal parent, I now enjoy freedoms like turning fans on full power when I want to (seriously, how much electricity does that really waste?) and not saving things that are clearly junk but might be able to be fixed or re-purposed in some way. Still, some of that extreme frugality my […]
“Come on. We’re going out tonight. You and Rebecca meet us at Dave & Buster’s. We’ll be there at seven.” “We can’t.” “Why not?” You’re at a loss: You don’t want to admit you’ve blown your budget for the month and have no play money to go out with. “Uh, Becca’s not feeling well,” you […]
Many of us are unsure about what to expect when it comes to planning for the future. Study after study in recent years indicates that many of us aren’t sure whether we will be able to retire comfortably and “on time.” And with the crazy price increases seen everywhere of late, it really does seem […]