Around six months ago, I declared I was going to “unspoil” my kids. My kids are pretty well-behaved, but I wanted to start teaching them about responsibility and the value of a dollar. Even though my kids are young – three and five – I’ve still found some ways to start instilling financial responsibility in […]
Kids and Money
One of the more interesting trends emerging from COVID is homeschooling. After all, we all got a taste of zoom classrooms and while many people had a hard time dealing with kids at home while trying to get work done, others like not needing to shuttle the kids around town multiple times a day. With […]
Juggling working at home while having two little ones underfoot is an extremely hard thing to do. On one hand, you are lucky to get the opportunity to work at home while still taking care of your children. On the other hand, little ones, whether you have one or more, require constant attention and love. […]
If you, like me and many other mothers and fathers, have decided to stay at home with your children for a few years, it may seem as though you’re sending your career on a fast track to nowhere by taking time off. That is certainly one of the concerns that would-be stay-at-home parents often cite […]
Teaching kids about money is one of the most difficult tasks we’re faced with when parenting. It’s a challenge to raise kids who are financially aware, and who will hopefully make better decisions than we do. Often that’s because we spend our time telling our children how they should do things, rather than letting them […]
Money is so often a taboo subject that it can feel difficult to impart financial lessons to our kids – particularly when they’re very little. How do you teach young children and toddlers about money, while also protecting them from your money stresses? Money management is just like reading (or any other complex skill), in […]