Many people dream of one day owning a vacation home. The idea of having a place to get away from it all is incredibly inviting, but not many people realize that owning a vacation home can be much more expensive than owning a primary residence. Insuring your dream house on the water (or by the […]
When it comes to purchasing life insurance, you have several choices. My wife and I have been looking for a way to allocate our finances and create a life insurance plan. We have discussed a number of different options, and whole life insurance has been part of the conversation. This type of insurance carries a […]
It’s common to find that your lifestyle goals intersect with your financial goals. Indeed, your lifestyle choices often influence how much money you’re able to save over time. Staying healthy is a lifestyle choice that can lead to lots of savings. Some of the biggest expenses you’re likely to ever face have to do with […]
My husband gets razzed quite often about his choice of vehicles. He can fix everything, drive anything with at least two wheels and a motor, and is a trained maintenance mechanic and autobody technician. You’d think his vehicle would look spectacular, right? Wrong. That’s because my husband is also quite skilled at squeezing a penny when […]
You’ve undoubtedly seen all of the news about the impending “fiscal cliff.” Whether you understand it or not, there will be consequences if we “fall off” at the end of 2012. One potential change to our tax system has to do with estate taxes. Currently, heirs do not pay federal taxes on estates smaller than […]
We all know that our credit score can help determine loan eligibility and interest rates. After all, credit scores are an indicator of how well you handle debt. But if you’re not in the market for a mortgage or a personal loan, it’s easy to assume that your not-so-hot credit can’t really hurt you. The […]