There are several actions you can take to ensure your transition to retirement goes smoothly.
You might want to avoid these policy offers.
If you’re a recent college graduate, newly married, or just haven’t had the income to save up for a 20% down payment on your first home, you might have been told to look into an FHA loan. If you’re also new to the world of real estate and mortgages, like me, you might be wondering […]
The popular new “free” app Pokémon Go has just as many kids and adults excited as rolling their eyes. Some see it as a harmless new obsession that gets people active and engaging with the outdoors (while still staring at their phones, of course). Others point out that it encourages people to do stupid things […]
Concierge medicine is a fringe healthcare concept that’s been around since the 90s, but lately it’s been gaining momentum. The American Academy of Private Physicians reports there are still under 5,000 practices in the United States, but surveys show a growing number of physicians — especially the younger generation — are becoming interested in this […]
November is here and it’s time for health care open enrollment. I just received my own benefit papers and information about my plan, along with my new premium. I’ll see a very modest increase in my monthly premium, thanks to the fact that I enrolled during a special period because of my recent divorce and […]