Are you throwing money away by spending more on products that have little to no lasting effect on your life? If we examine the why behind a purchase decision closely, we might find that just because mother paid $4.99 for Mead writing tablets, it may not be the wisest shopping choice today. One of the […]
I admit that I shamelessly stole this idea from my sons’ elementary school. Each year, all of the students are invited to bring in books that they are done reading to swap with their classmates. All of the kids love it and the parents love that it encourages children to read while teaching them a […]
You can preach the values of frugal living all day long but if you’re not setting a good example, it’s unlikely that your children will take it to heart. What’s more, they won’t be able to learn the frugal skills they need to become financially responsible and environmentally conscious adults. Here are a few ways […]
Summer has come to an end. The kids are back in school (for many of us) and it’s time to do a little deal hunting. Indeed, with the end of summer, we start to think about ways we can spruce things up a little bit with some merchandise — bought on sale, of course. Here […]
Online shopping “deals” sites are becoming a dime a dozen. Those that boasts the best buys, along with coupon codes, are popping up with their own websites, blogs, forums, Facebook fan pages, and even iPhone apps. You shouldn’t confuse their willingness to share savings opportunities with a genuine desire to help you save money, however. […]