Finding practical ways to save money over the long haul can be something that escapes our attention. It’s easy to look for the best price on an item when shopping, or add money to your savings account every week, but thinking long-term is an intentional action that takes thought and planning. Here are 20 easy-to-implement […]
If you have any doubts about whether it’s time to buy a newer vehicle, consider these four signs.
One of the cornerstones of good personal finances is to have some sort of backup plan available, just in case you run into unexpected financial problems. We often refer to this type of backup plan as an emergency fund or a rainy day fund. For many of us, these are the same thing. However, it could […]
I’m always looking for new ways to curb my spending, save money, earn freebies, and ultimately, live a more frugal lifestyle. This has especially meant becoming more careful about my purchases over the last few years. Looking back, I’m painfully aware of the money I’ve wasted: Impulse purchases that weren’t accounted for in my budget […]
We can all agree that living paycheck-to-paycheck is not an ideal situation. And it’s just as obvious that individuals doing this still need to save their money and build a financial cushion so they can finally feel secure. Unfortunately, the basic rules of saving money are simple but not easy – particularly if you’re already […]
Many people live their lives striving for a big house with nice cars and all the toys and gadgets they could imagine. Some work really hard to see these things come to fruition, while many never reach this level. My fiancé and I are currently searching for an apartment to live in after our wedding. […]