I know exactly when my daughter made the official transition from little girl to pre-teen. It was the day she declared she was cleaning her room, then emerged several hours later asking for assistance in removing all the “kid’s stuff.” In a giant pile in the middle of her room was the puppy poster that […]
Being asked to be in someone’s wedding is supposed to be a special honor — but by the time the wedding rolls around, it can feel like the bride has asked you to give her a direct line to your checking account. Though bridesmaids definitely have more cost requirements, being a groomsman can be pricey […]
It’s hard to believe, but summer is quickly coming to a close. The days of lounging by the pool, enjoying little league baseball games, and soaking up the sun will soon be over. Instead, you’ll be raking leaves and putting kids on the school bus. There is one upside to the shorter days, though: the […]
Most of us are looking for ways to trim the fat from our monthly budget. I recently refinanced my home, saving me about $300 a month, and that made me hungry for more savings. So I decided to see if I could find $500 more to trim from my monthly budget — and I did. Here […]
We’re deep into the heart of summer, which means county fairs are popping up everywhere. Our local fair happened last week, and my kids were excited to go. I know exactly how they feel, as I too have great childhood memories of going to the fair. As a parent, however, it usually means dropping a […]
During a recent money discussion, a couple of my online friends pointed out that their rent is half of my monthly income. Since I live in rural Ohio (and wouldn’t have it any other way), I always get sticker shock when I hear how much money other people have to pay for housing. In my […]