Both of my kids are at a full-day camp this week and the house is soooo empty and quiet! They went out since 8 in the morning and won’t be back until 5 pm today. Thinking back, the kids haven’t been away while we were home for that many hours since my oldest was a […]
Frugal Living
I asked a friend of mine who works with high school students if he knew anyone who would be interested in some yard work. We agreed that three boys would come over to my dad’s house one Saturday for $15 an hour, for three hours’ worth of work (so basically, each boy would make almost […]
Here are ten advantages you can enjoy for free if you join the 66% of Americans who have library cards.
Used car shopping can be intimidating. After all, a car has about 30,000 parts. Making sure they are all in good working order is no small feat, but this post will tell you how to pick the gems from the lemons. Understand Your Needs Understand your needs before you hit the used car lots. This […]
You can’t always control how much money you make, or how big of a year end bonus you’ll get. But when it comes to your everyday finances, there’s actually a lot you can do to save more. One of the most frequent questions we hear is, “How much should I be saving every month?” And […]
I may run the risk of getting hate mail for asking, but I have a genuine question I want to get an answer to. How do pet lovers justify owning a pet financially? I saw the other day that animal shelters are running out of pets during the pandemic and I shook my head because […]