Now that summer is here, that means two things for your lawn and garden for most of you. Either you will have a brown lawn and save money on your water bill, or you will have a beautiful, green yard and an enormous water bill to match. But there’s a third way. Here are a […]
Frugal Living
It’s not always easy, but there are a few things you can do to effectively live below your means.
We all know that Memorial Day isn’t just about sales, but you have to admit retailers have done a pretty thorough job of conditioning us to associate summer’s first holiday with a major sale event. Although we obviously shouldn’t plan commemorative ceremonies and family gatherings around our favorite retailers’ events, there’s no harm in taking […]
Found yourself in a position with more income? These tips will help you curb lifestyle inflation wisely.
I love to get most of my family’s clothes from thrift stores and yard sales, but I don’t always buy our clothes there. That’s because I can sometimes get brand new clothes at a lower price than used clothing. Here are a few of my strategies for getting super cheap brand name clothes (for less […]