If you’re ready to give this minimalist thing a try, here are some tips to help you get started.
Frugal Living
A financial fast can be a great way to kick-start your savings, figure out the holes in your budget, and find contentment with the things you own. While it may seem a little extreme to go on a financial fast — a period anywhere from one week to one month wherein you refrain from all […]
I recently switched my cellphone service provider to Ting, and I imagine I would write a letter similar to the one below if my former cellphone carrier was a person. Dear AT&T, I’ve had my sights on you from the beginning. When I found out you run on the GSM network, I knew you were […]
The next time you evaluate your budget, consider these six expenses that people often forget.
Before your baby’s arrival, take a look at this checklist on easy things you can do to financially prepare now.
Personal care “necessities” are often just luxuries—so here are a few ways to save money on these budget-eating expenses.