If you have out-of-town family visiting this summer, here are some practical ways to address the financial strain it might create.
Typical Easter activities for kids include egg coloring, egg hunts, Easter Sunday services followed by family meals, and — the highlight of many children’s day — Easter basket goodies. There are certainly ways to save money on these prizes (statistics estimate the average American household will spend about $146 on Easter this year!), but regardless […]
When I look back on my childhood, some of the memories I cherish the most are the times my parents made an extra effort to make certain experiences special. It’s those kinds of memories that I want my kids to be able to look back on and smile. I’m not talking about expensive trips to the […]
We all have different money priorities and ideas of how money should be spent. When it comes to meshing your life with a partner though, these beliefs and priorities can get in the way of harmony. I have a good relationship with my ex-husband right now, but looking back it is clear that there were […]
Money can be an extremely touchy subject. Even for those of us who swear that money isn’t important, there’s no way to deny that whether we like it or not, dollars touches our lives in every way. If you’re reading this, you probably have a clear idea on how important money is to a well […]
Money is the root of all evil, right? You would certainly think so with the way that people fight over it every day. Money is one of the leading contributors to divorce in this country, and has been for a while. While divorces strictly because of money are around 5%, 70% of couples attribute money […]