More often than not, persistence and the will to keep plugging away pays off. This is Travis’s debt story… After having accumulated $109,000 in credit card debt, our finances finally reached a boiling point a few years ago. No longer able to meet all of our financial commitments, my wife and I enrolled in a […]
Dave Ramsey is a sensation in the world of personal finance. He may even be the most popular financial guru of our time. He has had several TV shows, he’s a best-selling author, he’s created classes that are now taught all across the country, and he has his own radio show too. When a man […]
So now that I’ve owned my home for 10+ years, I’m getting offers left and right for home equity loans. While I am doing my own research, I would be most interested to read your take on them! Congratulations. Getting offers from lenders to borrow money most certainly means that you don’t need the money. […]
You’ve been dating for six months now, and it’s feeling right. He gives you butterflies when he walks into the room. You think he could be “the one.” The problem is that you’ve been withholding some information from him. You’re not sure if you should even be bringing up such a topic so early on in […]
Even if you’re content to keep living the American Dream, consider these four financial advantages of living in a tiny home.