While many individuals seek to save money where possible, budget effectively and build a significant emergency fund, others are not so fortunate in their financial circumstances. Whether as a result of the significant rises in unemployment or the poor state of the property market, some individuals are experiencing considerable financial difficulty. Debt has an inherent […]
Everyone should be asking themselves at one point or another – “Should I Pay Off My Mortgages Early”? When choosing whether to pay down debt or invest, the primary factors are the interest rate on the debt and what rate of return you think you could safely achieve by investing. Sometimes, however, this calculation isn’t […]
With credit cards so convenient, loans so common and debt socially acceptable, getting into debt is extremely easy. I still have vivid memories of the two people who sold me on my college credit card. It had the school logo on there and best of all, it helped the school every time I use the […]
Even though the second stimulus check proposal was voted down a while ago, there are talks again surrounding the need for another one. Personally, I never really thought it was a great idea, as I share the view that we should really be spending money our social programs which are badly imbalanced at the moment. […]
In our society, access to money is a big deal. We want instant access (usually via some form of plastic card) to money. And, in an era where lending standards are making it difficult to take out loans, all sorts of ideas are popping up to help us access — rather quickly — money that […]