There are many rewards that come with using credit cards responsibly. With rewards cards, you can rack up points to earn free travel, gift cards, and even cash. On the surface, using credit cards to pay your bills looks like a great idea. Why not get paid to buy what you’re going to buy anyway? […]
When it comes to credit cards, we’re quite a nonchalant society. They’ve become so commonplace that we tend to be looser than we should. Once upon a time, they were handled with kid gloves, treated with respect, and almost never used online. We were afraid to send our info out into the Great Beyond, but, […]
The holidays are swiftly approaching, and many early bird shoppers are already making their lists. With a multitude of financing options available, it can be confusing to determine which is best for you. Although the best way to finance your shopping is by planning ahead and utilizing holiday savings accounts or good old-fashioned cash, many […]
To say divorce is difficult is an understatement. It takes an emotional and financial toll that can impact you for years to come. This is especially true if debt is a feature of your marital finances. Dividing up the debt is a big part of divorce, so it’s important to understand the implications associated with […]
Last week, released its quarterly report on credit cards. The results indicate that balance transfer deals are on the decline, and that now might be the time to transfer your balances — if you have access to the best deals possible. According to the report, the average length of a balance transfer introductory offer […]
When my husband bought his first house in January 2005, he qualified for and took on a piggyback loan. Basically, my husband took a traditional 80% mortgage on his new house, and also took a 20% mortgage in the form of a higher-rate home equity line of credit to cover the “down payment.” He took […]