Many teenagers and college-aged individuals look at college without realizing just how much the weight loans can carry. Most will think that mom and dad should be responsible, while others will just take out loans to get what they want. Here are two important things you and your teen need to talk about when it […]
Many new graduates are still celebrating their accomplishments. And rightfully so – getting a degree is a big deal. But once the excitement of finishing school wears off, you begin to realize how daunting the long road ahead to paying off those student loans really is. I had $20,000 in student loans when I graduated […]
Apprenticeships have been around for as long as skilled trades. Traditionally, apprenticeships have been geared toward fields like mechanics, construction, electrical, and engineering, all of which require hands-on training. In the face of skyrocketing unemployment and student loan debt, this fact may be changing for good. The United States is surprisingly behind the trend toward apprenticeship-based […]
After being absent for a few years, zero percent interest promotions from credit cards seem to be making a resurgence. Consumers can utilize such promotions to consolidate debt, do home improvements, or a variety of other things, at zero percent for the length of the promotion. If you’re thinking of taking advantage of these promotions, you need […]
The month of June signals the end of the term for many college students, and the beginning of the all-to-brief summer vacation before returning to school in the fall. Most students say good riddance to their textbooks and hello to lucrative summer jobs, days at the beach, and avoidance of anything remotely similar to studying. While […]
Alternative credit scoring has been growing in popularity for several years. Many consumers do not like the idea that the credit industry is built mainly on the assumption that you need to get into to debt (no matter how quickly you pay it off) in order to show that you are financially responsible. As a […]