One of the ways to successfully manage your debt, and create a pay down plan, is to make use of a debt consolidation loan. It’s always important to carefully consider your options, and be careful when using debt to pay off other debt. However, if you plan properly, and are careful to practice discipline, a balance […]
Credit Cards
“I’m comfortable with my level of debt,” said a long-time friend of mine not too long ago. He was explaining why he isn’t making an effort to aggressively pay down his credit card debt. He makes a decent living, and most of his credit card debt is the result of youthful financial indiscretions. Since he […]
When I landed the first gig of my accounting career, I was beyond excited. I would finally have a decent income; I could breathe again. But after crunching a few numbers, it was obvious that debt would quickly gobble up any of the extra funds I’d planned to use to live a little. My only […]
Welcome to the age of electronic fund transfers, debit and credit cards, and online banking. Carrying actual cash in your wallet is now optional, while paying with plastic has become the convenient choice. A recent survey from Bankrate indicated that 9% of Americans carry no cash at all. Of those who do carry it, the […]
“Debit or credit?” It’s a question I’m asked every time I swipe my debit card — and which path I choose doesn’t seem to make much of a difference to me. I walk out of the store with my purchase, and the money is deducted from my checking account. But if we look under the […]
No matter how fiscally responsible you are, or how much you have in savings, there will be times when life throws you a curve ball you’re not ready to catch. For instance, what would you do if your spouse suddenly became unable to work, or you were laid off? Many of us have set up […]