Imagine with me for a second that you took the advice to freeze your credit cards. You read the article, poured water into a container, dropped the plastic cards into it and then shoved the end product in the freezer. All is good. Months go by, your spending declines, your bank account balance rises and […]
Credit Cards
Sometimes, obvious ways to curb our spending is seldom practiced because we feel embarrassed to try it. We read about them, laugh that it’s probably “just for fun”, and forget about them right after. Yesterday, my friend reminded me that while we might feel funny doing something unusual the first time, it is always the […]
Losing a credit card is never fun, but here are some pointers in case it ever happens to you. Call the credit card company – Most suggest saving all the phone numbers somewhere but how many of us do that and when is that location ever accessible when we find out that our cards are […]
I am constantly amazed by the creativity of thieves when it comes to ways to scamming people. If we can get those people to apply their ability to constructive activities, the world will be so much better. Currently in the United States, the credit card companies take the burden off customers for any fraudulent activities. […]
Recently, I started to make bigger purchases around the middle of the month because I found that I can save more money this way. Most of you are probably a little puzzled by what I just said so let me explain this a little further. Credit cards have a statement date where they will calculate […]
This is a guest post from Tisha Kulak, a writer who writes about credit card offers, personal finances and credit card matters. Credit card interest can be a financial killer if you are not handling your credit cards correctly. If you are only paying the minimum amount of money on your cards each month, you […]