While researching on 0% balance transfer credit cards the other day, I accidentally found out that many people actually search for 0% balance transfer for life credit cards. My first reaction was “come on, really? There’s no way anyone in the right mind would offer this.” But the curious side of me took over and […]
Credit Cards
I handed him my debt card and the cashier asked if I wanted to charge it credit or debit. Is he insane? A few years ago when I first got my debit card, I was confused whenever a cashier asked me whether I wanted to charge my card using credit or debit. Debit please, I […]
When you go out to dinner with friends, one of you will inevitably request to pay the total with a credit card. Sometimes, it’s due to a legitimate reason like not having cash but more and more, it’s due to more selfish ones – rewards or an interest free loan with 0% purchase credit cards. […]
Even a banker’s advice could be totally wrong. I can’t believe what I heard, but a banker told me that carry a credit card balance can improve my credit score. In fact, there are many people who give the same advice – don’t pay your credit card balance in full to raise your score. So […]
This posts lists a bunch of the 0% balance transfer credit cards on the market today, and having the list in the first place was motivated by a reader who managed to pay off her debt with these 0% balance transfer offers. Below is her story along with the different choices out there on the […]