When someone refers to a 0% credit card, it’s either a 0% balance transfer credit card or a 0% purchase card. Both credit cards offer special promotional rates; however, it is essential to understand the difference between the two so you don’t end up getting stuck with unexpected fees and interest charges.
Credit Cards
This time of year, it is common to receive a rather friendly suggestion that you can skip a debt payment. Some lenders will let you do this just for the month of December (“use the money to ease your holiday budget crunch”), and others will let you skip payments in January as well (“start your […]
The holiday season is undoubtedly the happiest time of the year for many people. At the same time, it’s also one of the most costly. One of the great benefits of having my credit card where I bank is that the credit card balance is right there staring me in the face every time I […]
The best advice anyone can give you on credit card fees and APRs is that the easiest way to save money is not to owe money. The conditions in today’s market also mean that you can find a credit card that matches the way you spend. If you maintain a balance constantly, it makes more […]
There is a war raging with regard to which type of plastic to use: debit or credit. While many like cash, it can be inconvenient to carry around large amounts of cash, not to mention dangerous if you happen to have your wallet or purse stolen. Plastic on the other hand has a small footprint, […]
Whether we like it or not, having a credit card is essential to a consumer like salt is to food. Many experts tell you that over usage is bad, but life just sucks without it. But what about those interest rates? With credit easing a little bit and the economy strengthening, the once dependable method […]