I will be honest because personal finance must involve an honest conversation. Though some personal finance sites might compare needing a budget to needing air or food, I don’t plan to be that melodramatic. I will, however, emphasize that I think budgets are essential to maintaining financial order in your life. A budget can be […]
A financial survey from 2019 showed that 53.3% of U.S. households are dual-income. The key reason this is becoming the norm is obvious: we think we ‘need’ more money. With inflation not seen in decades, a possible recession on the horizon, and an uncertain stock market, it’s no wonder many couples believe two full-time incomes […]
One of the things I noticed as I went through two cross-country moves in the space of a year was that downsizing ended up being a big help to my finances. When you have less stuff, there’s less to worry about, and less to take care of. Plus, you don’t need a bigger place to […]
One of the more interesting trends emerging from COVID is homeschooling. After all, we all got a taste of zoom classrooms and while many people had a hard time dealing with kids at home while trying to get work done, others like not needing to shuttle the kids around town multiple times a day. With […]
Without my freelance income, I make what would be considered a “living wage” at my day job. This amount seems very low to me though. Some weeks, the income from my day job doesn’t cover my already bare-bones budget. I’ll admit it: there’s even been a time or two when I’ve thrown a pity party […]
For the first few years of our marriage, my ex-husband and I lived paycheck to paycheck. I barely made over minimum wage, and although he made significantly more than I did, it still wasn’t a lot. We had a mortgage payment, as well as a stack of credit card debt accumulated from my ex being […]