Two cardboard mailboxes sat under the Christmas tree, one for each of our kids. They contained a homemade certificate granting the recipient a free month of Netflix streaming service. The kids were both very excited about the gift, as they’d been begging us to sign up for quite a while. Between the two months given […]
If you spend a considerable amount of time reading up on personal finance, you may feel guilty about spending money on yourself. It’s as if you’re a failure for spending money on something you enjoy — but which others may deem frivolous. When it comes to money, however, there should be an equal balance. Money […]
Do you know someone who has sworn off Valentine’s Day? There seems to be a growing movement urging us to skip the holiday altogether. Opponents call it a retail holiday and say we don’t need a special day to show love to our significant other. While I agree that we don’t need a special day […]
You tuck away your pennies when you can, saving a little here and there. When you have some extra money left over from your paycheck, you put it into your savings account. You save when you buy generic lattes, and when you take your lunch to work. You’re proud of yourself. You should be proud […]
As a new year gets underway, many people have vowed to improve their financial situations by saving more. This includes contributions to retirement accounts, savings accounts, and emergency funds. But if you haven’t actively saved money before, it may seem complicated and difficult. It doesn’t have to be. Here are four easy-as-pie ways to boost […]
Finances, shminances. So many people don’t get them — nor do they want to. They’re HARD. There’s too much else going on to worry about something as abstract as finance. The problem with this: if you don’t worry about “that stuff,” you’ll never have any of “that stuff” to worry about. When we’re young, we […]