The love of a lush green lawn is a trait my father passed down to me. As a teenager, I was in charge of mowing and watering the lawn by manually moving a hose and sprinkler during the summer. Because of that responsibility, I learned to appreciate the hard work that went into keeping the […]
One of the major reasons we overspend? Our quickness to say yes to things — for example, when our kids ask us to buy something, or when our friends want us to come out for an expensive night on the town. Sometimes we say yes to ourselves, justifying purchases we don’t really care about, or […]
Imagine blowing through $50 million dollars. $50 MILLION dollars. That’s what Toni Braxton did. Meat Loaf did better — he was only $1.6M dollars in debt. Dee Snyder, Billy Joel, and many more have blown through millions to end up owing millions. You may not make millions to blow in your lifetime, but you certainly […]
I’m a health nut. I like eating healthy, and I’m willing to pay a little more if it means a higher quality product is going into my body. But there are places I draw the line. Today as I was browsing through articles online, one headline quickly caught my attention. There’s a new product on […]
I remember how I used to do bills each month. I’d sit down with the checkbook, a stack of bills, and a book of stamps… Then I’d hop on my horse and ride into town to bring them to the post office. OK, so maybe it wasn’t that long ago, but doing bills like that […]
For the first several years of our marriage, my husband and I only had one car. Those days were kind of frustrating, since the lack of reliable and extensive public transportation in our town meant I often had to drive my husband to and from school. But we did save money. After we upgraded to […]