Have you ever spent hours working on your finances and spending plan, only to come up short month after month? Following a budget isn’t as simple as it seems; if it were, everyone would have one and live within their means. The key to developing a workable spending plan is identifying and eliminating the loopholes […]
I hear it over and over again: kids are so expensive. Yes, they are — but I don’t think they’re quite as expensive as the studies and surveys say. Even though I hate to admit it, I know I often make my child more expensive than she has to be. If many of us parents were to […]
“Can you stop by Target on your way home and pick up Tristan’s prescription?” read the text message. My automatic response was simply to confirm I’d retrieve our son’s medication as instructed, but further thought caused my forehead to scrunch in confusion. We’ve always gotten our prescription drugs at the Walmart pharmacy, since we’re there […]
The only thing that many personal finance writers hate more than buying a car with a loan? Leasing a car. However, there are times when it might make sense for you to lease. This is especially true if your alternative is to buy a car with a 72-month loan. Swapalease performed a study to determine […]
Though stores have had their back-to-school supplies out for months, I’ve been ignoring them. But seeing a day labeled “Schedule pick up” on our giant white board calendar reminded us it was time to print off the list from the school district website — and make sure the kids were ready to go for a […]
If you’re a new college student, moving into the dorm probably marks the first time you’ll truly feel like an adult. Unfortunately, this is also a time rife with bad financial decisions. Even if you’re just the parent of a college student, it’s good to know common ways they stumble financially — so you can […]