Many people are tired of the shutdown caused by COVID-19. That’s why people around me are starting to slowly return to normal life because things seem just fine for them after so many months of hearing about the devastation of the pandemic on the news. I can understand that too. After all, it’s hard to […]
Personal finance experts often warn against “keeping up with Joneses” or splurging on unnecessary items. Latte factor anybody? Stop going to Starbucks and have a million bucks more by the time you retire! And though this is good advice, what about the other side of the equation? Do you ever feel guilty for spending money […]
One of the most difficult situations to deal with is a drop in income, as most people adjust their lifestyles to use up all of what they bring in. In fact, too many of us live right up to the limit of what our income buys, allowing lifestyle inflation to strangle our budgets no matter […]
Summer is one of my favorite months as I love basking in the sun and enjoying the energy of the city. Where I live in Portland, Oregon, it’s rainy and dreary for nearly nine months of the year. But thankfully, summertime is right around the corner, and for these three months, the weather is absolutely […]
Sandy knows she is growing her savings by having a surplus each month and putting it in high yielding online savings accounts. When she was puzzled about budgeting, she wrote in to ask: I have $100,000 saved up in bank accounts by following good frugal practices that you and others outline. I however don’t budget […]
Money date nights might teach you to love handling personal finances.