There are two basic schools of thought when it comes to personal finance: spend less or earn more. Spending less sounds simple enough, but it can be a tough adjustment for anyone who’s used to a certain lifestyle or has set behavioral patterns. Not only that, but the temptation to spend is everywhere you look. If you are […]
Hopefully, you’ve completed and sent off your tax return by now. While some of us may owe Uncle Sam money, others are getting a nice hefty refund check. According to the IRS, the average tax refund is $2,893. This is quite a large chunk of money. Add to that all the stimulus checks you’ve received lately […]
Hobbies are part of how we express our individuality. In the daily grind of life, they’re also a way we can unwind, have some fun, and do the things we most enjoy. Without this outlet, life would be a lot more stressful. You could say that having hobbies is good for your health and well-being. […]
One of the final scenes of my favorite movie The Big Lebowski features John Goodman’s and Jeff Bridges’ characters arguing with a funeral director over the cost of their friend Donny’s funeral. At one point, John Goodman (who plays a constantly angry character) shouts, “Look, just because we’re bereaved doesn’t make us SAPS!” After having […]
Every now and again, I like to think about the decisions I’ve made and how making sacrifices now will benefit me later. My current living situation is less than fabulous, but I’ve begun to adapt and call a 900 square foot trailer my temporary home. I remember that by doing what is financially smart now, […]
The minimum wage is currently $7.25, but the Democrats are trying to raise it to $15 as part of the new stimulus bill. The current minimum has been in effect since 2009 when it was raised from $6.55. There’s no definite timeline for minimum wage increases; the decision is made by Congress and usually occurs […]