The baseball season is a grueling six months. It starts with Spring Training in March, and it ends in the beginning of September. There are many games — and only a few days off. When I had two days off for the All Star Break last week, my wife and I took advantage of it. […]
Budget Travel
The summer vacation is considered a staple of the American experience. Not all of us, however, can take off for a full two weeks. Whether money is tight or you have obligations at work, a full-blown vacation might not be an option. At times when you just can’t take off for a vacation, why not […]
Your boss is nagging you — again — wanting to know where the reports are. They were due yesterday. The kids are bored, driving your wife nuts at home all summer. It’ll be months before you get any more time off. But you need it now. Not later. As the news loops in the background, […]
While my wife and I travel the country as I move around for work, we need to be as frugal as possible. And due to our dog, we also need to be creative with our style of living. The big things that we focus on are: how to travel, where to live, and what to […]
Finding creative ways to eat out is important in my line of work. During baseball season, we’re on the road 50% of the time. During these periods, we’re given a certain amount of money per day to spend on food (more commonly known as a per diem). Many people travel for work on a regular basis, […]
During a recent trip, I had the pleasure of talking with a retired couple who are spending their golden years touring the world. Italy, China, Mexico, Hawaii — they’ve seen it all, and some places more than once. While I didn’t want to ask personal questions about how they could afford such luxurious trips, I […]