Money is a complicated subject because we all have unconscious beliefs about it. Financial planners and psychologists refer to these beliefs as “money scripts.” They’re the stories about money we’ve told ourselves since childhood, and they’re often rooted in how money was viewed in our childhood homes. Once we know and recognize our money scripts, […]
Better Yourself
Years ago, I had an elderly patient I loved to visit. She had a huge personality, a quick mind (and tongue), and a sense of humor that would leave you gasping for air. She was just one of those people that others loved to spend time with. She also had the worst case of diabetes […]
We talk a lot about risk when it comes to finances, and much of the time, risk tolerance is associated with investing. However, the amount of risk you can handle also plays a role in other financial decisions and aspects of your life. Before you make decisions about what’s next, think about how much risk […]
When we think of addictions, few of us think of money as a habit-forming substance. However, it is completely possible to become addicted to money. And it’s not just about becoming addicted to spending money. “Like with other resources that have mixed uses – for example, food and sex – money is a resource that […]
You have probably heard the age-old cliché, “time is money,” a few times in your life. That saying could not be any truer for money-saving habits. There are so many great money-saving tips out there, but not all of them are worth your time. Here are a few serious time-suckers you should avoid. Clipping Physical […]
When we think of self-improvement, we often think of it as something that costs us money and reduces our financial viability. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. Yes, you can spend money on self-improvement. That doesn’t mean that it’s money poorly spent though. In fact, your efforts for self-improvement can be an investment that pays […]