Studies show you can get an effective workout in half the time by increasing the intensity: a 10-minute high-intensity circuit can potentially burn as many calories as a slow-paced 30-minute workout. As it turns out, we can apply this concept to finances as well. Few of us have hours to spend on money management (or […]
Better Yourself
You may not realize it, but in between making corny jokes and yelling about who touched the thermostat, your father taught you a great deal about money. Dads are usually the financial teacher in the family, but even fathers who never spoke a word about the family budget passed along important money wisdom to their kids. […]
A large part of success is in knowing yourself. This is true whether you are starting a relationship or whether you are working towards a financially stress free life. If you want to create success in personal finance, then you want to cultivate the behaviors that will lead to financial freedom. Here are some things […]
Last month I confessed to an addictive behavior: recreational shopping. I actually wasn’t sure if I could classify it as a full-fledged addiction. Then David commented, “I’m glad Vered got out of her ritual of checking the same website for new arrivals daily, but make no mistake, addiction was the perfect word to describe that […]
I wouldn’t call my daughter a picky eater exactly. She has always been great about eating fruits and vegetables, but it was always on her terms. She would rather just play than actually sit and eat. What’s worst, she used her hunger as a bedtime stalling tactic many times in the past. Her eating preferences […]
I will be honest because personal finance must involve an honest conversation. Though some personal finance sites might compare needing a budget to needing air or food, I don’t plan to be that melodramatic. I will, however, emphasize that I think budgets are essential to maintaining financial order in your life. A budget can be […]