There are generally two ways you can improve your finances: cutting back spending and earning more money. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of cutting back spending, but I also know from personal experience that there is only so much you can cut back on. I’ve been forced to live on a bare bones budget […]
Better Yourself
Money can be an extremely touchy subject. Even for those of us who swear that money isn’t important, there’s no way to deny that whether we like it or not, dollars touches our lives in every way. If you’re reading this, you probably have a clear idea on how important money is to a well […]
We focus on stocks and bonds when we think of investing most of the time, but we often forget that it’s also possible to invest in ourselves. An investment in yourself can offer very good returns, as long as you are wise with your investment. I’ve been in exploratory mode this year. I’m trying to […]
The unemployment rate has been extremely low for what seems like years now, but that doesn’t change the fact that six million Americans are currently out of work, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report. Add to that the 2023 college graduates who are competing for every job out there, and […]
Death isn’t a subject that many of us like to think about. But the fact of the matter is that we all must plan for that eventuality, including how we want our final days to play out. According to Amanda Bennet, author of “The Cost of Hope,” “From the 1970s to the 1990s, one study […]
Are you hoping to change your financial habits but just don’t know where to begin? There isn’t any one-size-fits-all magic approach,. There are, however, different strategies you can try out until you hit on something that works well for you. Here are three such strategies that can help you change your financial habits. Figure out […]