It seems that every time you turn on a talk show or news program, an economist is making dire predictions because Americans aren’t saving enough. No one plans to live out their golden years as a Wal-Mart greeter, but with a large portion of the American workforce living from paycheck to paycheck, that might be […]
Better Yourself
What if celebrating your birthday could change someone’s life? What if your special day could affect positive change? Well, this is a possibility now. There are non-profits that allow you to donate your birthday to charity. The idea intrigued me since my birthday is coming up. When I first thought about it, I had images of donating […]
Part of good financial management is making decisions based on your priorities, and understanding how a purchase or a spending decision will benefit your life. Before you spend money on a product, service, or experience, it’s a good idea to consider what you will gain by making the spending decision. Spending money can be a […]
Few of us get married thinking it will end in divorce. In fact, most of us expect to remain married for life. Unfortunately, though, there are times when it doesn’t work out and divorce becomes the most viable option. The emotional aspects of divorce are well-known, and there are a number of relationship issues that need […]
I’ve been busy lately. Instead of sitting in front of my computer waiting for the same email (more likely spam) to come through, I’ve been calling, asking and searching. During the last couple of weeks, I: Asked my car insurance agent to price match an insurance policy that I found online. Call my Internet service […]
Summer is one of my favorite months as I love basking in the sun and enjoying the energy of the city. Where I live in Portland, Oregon, it’s rainy and dreary for nearly nine months of the year. But thankfully, summertime is right around the corner, and for these three months, the weather is absolutely […]