Debt is one of the easiest traps to fall into and it can seem like it’s practically impossible to get out of. The formula to paying off debt is relatively simple; spend less than you earn. The reality isn’t easy to apply to your life though. After all, it’s difficult to create new habits and change your mindset about money.

I’ve been there. I’ve had many days of non-stop anxiety and sleepless nights because I worry whether I’ll have enough to cover my expenses. But I made it through the tough financial times and conquered my debt, so I know you can do the same. You just have to find out what’s really hindering your progress and most of the time, it’s usually a mental roadblock.

Success with money (or lack thereof) usually comes to down to one of these phrases.
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You’ll always find tons of people online sharing ways to be extreme couponers and save money at all costs. And while you may be tempted to try these methods, I’ve learned it doesn’t always pay to cut corners over the years even if you’re trying to save money

Look. I applaud your efforts and willingness to make sacrifices to keep more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket. It’s just that the effort could end up costing you more in the long run. Here are five times when being thrifty can backfire and cost you more money.
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I’m not much of a rules kinda guy, but the 30 day spending rule is one I really like. The rule is pretty simple – wait 30 days every time you want to make a purchase. Go buy the item if you still think it’s worth the cost after a month, but chances are good your desire to spend faded by then.

In recent memory, I have, at one point or another, wanted to buy the following:

  • New Pair of Jeans
  • The New iPhone When It Comes Out
  • Golf Clubs (2 Wedges To Be Exact)
  • Laptop
  • Study Course That’s More Hype than Anything Else

Luckily, none of these “toys” passed the 30-day test. Otherwise, I would have racked up even more debt and be busy regretting my decisions instead of telling you about my win.

Adding Some Spice to the Waiting Rule

Okay, that wasn’t crazy interesting. So many of us already know this rule. We either practice it already, or we’ve decided that it’s not worth the effort. Either way, we don’t need to read the rule again.
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While traveling is fun, flying can be a headache. One of the hardest things is figuring out what to pack, especially when airlines put so many restrictions on traveling with luggage. The worst for me is to put the luggage on the scale and find out that there will be an exorbitant charge because the bag is overweight. Because then I get to find myself in the middle of the airport trying to rearrange items between different bags so that all of them stay under the weight limit.

Luckily, I happily avoid all this nowadays by just bringing a carry-on. I’ve traveled quite extensively over these past couple of years and have only needed to check a bag once (only because I bought a bottle of wine as a souvenir). It’s taken me many trips to perfect the art of fitting everything I need in just one carry-on, but I now feel freer not having so much stuff with me. If you want to avoid high airline fees, take a look at these tips to pack light and only travel with a carry-on.
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being smart
Being a smart shopper is not always the easiest thing to do. With all the sales and promotions being thrown at you, especially with the holiday season just around the corner, it’s easy to cave in and make an impulsive buy. Retailers have tons of tricks up their sleeves to make you spend more money, so it’s important to stay alert in order to make the most of your money.

Not so long ago, I was the complete opposite of a smart shopper. I was impulsive and bought anything that was on sale or looked like a good deal. Needless to say, I wasted a lot of money. However, I’m now a reformed shopper and I’m much more careful about how I spend. Here are five rules I live by when it comes to shopping:
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reduce spending tips
Trying to trim expenses can seem like a never ending task, as new expenses always pop out of nowhere. With already tight budgets, the task of reducing spending can seem impossible. You’ve already cut out your morning latte and canceled your gym membership – what more can you do?

Lowering your expenses is definitely a daunting task. While you’ll have to make sacrifices and get a little creative, it definitely can be done without cramping your lifestyle too dramatically. Here are five of my favorites ways to easily lower your spending.
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