Money Isn’t Always the Answer: Here Are 4 Problems It Can’t Solve

by Allison Martin · 7 comments

“If I only had more money… I’d be happier.” “I wouldn’t be in such a bind.”  “I could buy all the things my heart desired.”

And the list goes on.

It’s true: money can wash away your financial woes if used properly, but there are a number of other issues it simply can’t solve.

What Money Can’t Solve

1. Poor spending habits

It’s not how much you make, but how you spend it.

A hard week at work or unexpected promotion may call for a reward — but is it within reason, or are you relying on credit cards to support your excessive spending habit?

Contrary to popular belief, if you don’t take care of your money, it won’t take care of you. Just think of a luxury car: it glistens on the roadway, but what happens after years of neglect? It loses its value and visual appeal.

My advice: start living within your means and being disciplined with your spending. Your wallet will thank you.

2. Poor physical and spiritual wellness

If you’re empty inside, all the money in the world can’t fill those voids. Don’t believe me? Think of all the wealthy individuals who seemed to have the perfect life, but resorted to drug-use or even worse, suicide. I’m almost certain money wasn’t the issue; it was the depression beneath the surface that drove them over the edge. And not even a luxurious vacation, multi-million dollar mansion, or brand new yacht could ease the pain.

You must take action to become physically and spiritually well, because no one else can do it for you.

3. Marital issues

Even if your spouse is attracted to the material things you can purchase for them, underlying issues may still exist. (And you should start to wonder if the bond is genuine if shopping sprees are the highlight of your union).

Most discord in a marriage stems from issues way deeper than money, so showering the love of your life with presents each time a verbal disagreement erupts won’t permanently ease all the pain and heartache they’ve endured. Open communication and compromise will.

4. Dysfunctional relationships

It’s no secret: wealthy people are often the center of attention among those of a lower social status. But if the money were gone today, how many of their so-called “friends” would remain in their corner? Not many, because the relationships would no longer be beneficial to the social climbers.

Bottom line: money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy happiness and genuine relationships.

Can you think of any other problems money can’t solve?

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  • Mohammad Uddin says:

    Great idea, Actually, money can do many things, but sometimes money can do nothing.

    • David @ says:

      Money definitely isn’t the be all and end all!

      That’s why we can’t sacrifice everything just for the sake of money!

  • David @ says:

    It’s true – money doesn’t solve everything. Relationships take nurturing and time and an open heart is what’s needed!

  • Joy says:

    This is a great article! We use money as an “excuse” for our issues when it really comes down to an issue of the heart and habits. Unfortunately I know several people in my generation who continue their current debit cycle because they focus on trying to get more money and not working on their poor habits which got them into this situation to start.

    • Allison Martin says:

      That’s very true, Joy. I used to be that person who justified my debt with the “lack of income” excuse until I realized it’s not what you make, but how you spend it. And my spending habits definitely needed a little fine tuning. 🙂 Thanks for your feedback!

  • Adam @ Money Bulldog says:

    Great points here,

    It’s funny how most people associate a lack of money with marital strife, yet having too much money and not enough time for one another can cause just as many issues.

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