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Congratulations on making one of the best move in your path to become financially free. I firmly believe that sharing and discussing with others about personal finance will enhance the chances of a prosperous life.

It is my goal to not only help you save and make more but more importantly, be happier with your life.

Don’t ever hesitate to ask me questions and express your point of view by commenting on the blog. You will find that everyone is happy to chat and very eager for a good conversation.

Remember that I promised some special bonuses? Check out some articles that can immediately save you some money.

50 Ways to Save Money on Vacations
25 Tips to be Debt Free Now
What to Do If Your Cable TV Bill is Too High

How to Save Money on Everything

Download the free eBook with tips and tricks on How to Save Money on Everything. The book is always being expanded (don’t worry, I will let you know whenever it updates) and it’s now 31 38 42 56 73 90 151 pages of practical savings tips.

Click Here for Free Access to the eBook

The 7-Part Course

7 Major Action Steps To Spend Less and Be Happy

Part 1 will be delivered to your inbox shortly. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions.

Pat yourself on the back. You made a good choice.

David (MoneyNing)

Money Saving Tip: An incredibly effective way to save more is to reduce your monthly Internet and TV costs. Click here for the current AT&T DSL and U-VERSE promotion codes and promos and see if you can save more money every month from now on.